

BSF offers a variety of programs, from ages 5+ in Nordic (cross country) skiing, including learn-to-ski programs, for youth and adults as well elite professional skiers. Everyone is welcome. (We also groom an amazing network of trails in Bozeman.) COME SKI WITH US.

Important Updates

BSF Nordic Finishes First at Junior Nationals
March 16, 2025
With two individual Junior National Champions, nine athletes on the podium, and fourteen All-American finishes, Bridger Ski Foundation won the overall combined club championship at Junior Nationals.
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BSF Nordic Has Strong Showing in Sun Valley; 13 Qualify for Junior Nationals
February 26, 2025
Successful races in Sun Valley and in Norway, with 13 heading to Junior Nationals.
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Fast Skiing from the Nordic Team in West Yellowstone
February 12, 2025
The BSF Nordic Team had a strong showing at the nearby races in West Yellowstone this past weekend with 40+ athletes racing on the Rendezvous trails.
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BSF Pro Team Roundup: Where in the World? 
February 10, 2025
From home races to Italy, Norway and Minnesota ... this team is having a great season.
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1 day a week

Beginner xc ski instruction. This new program is designed to be a playful introduction to classic cross country skiing, and no previous experience is necessary. These kinders will learn to get comfortable on skis through games and snow exploration, learning some basic balance and gliding skills. (Must be age 5 and in kindergarten.)

AGES 6-7

U8 Introductory

1 or 2 days a week

Beginner xc ski instruction for ages 5-7. We take a holistic approach to skiing. We focus on  classic (or diagonal striding) technique. Kids learn double poling and double-pole kick through games, exercises, relays and other fun activities. No experience necessary.

Learn more about U6 & U8 programS

Beginner and intermediate xc ski instruction. We take a holistic approach to skiing. Kids will learn both classic technique (striding) and skate technique (think hockey skating), doing one day of each per week. Skills are developed through games, exercises, relays and other fun activities. No experience necessary. Skiers will be grouped according to age and skill level. U10 & U12 skiers are in one program. Middle School Intro skiers have a separate program.

Ready to move up? Ski three days a week with the Development team!

Learn more about U10 & U12  INTRO
Learn more about MIDDLE SCHOOL INTRO

GRADES 4 & 5

GRADES 6, 7, 8

Development Team

2-3 days a week

Adventure on skis. For the skier with at least one year of skate and classic ski experience this team is divided into those in grades 4&5 and then 6, 7,8. For skiers ready to ski 3 days a week. Includes summer, fall, and winter options.

Learn more about Devo



3-4 days a week

For skiers looking to improve their ski technique, build fitness and have fun in a positive team environment. This is team bridges the gap between Devo and Comp teams, with a focus on racing and training plans. We do both skate and classic skiing.

Learn more about The DEVO PROGRESSIVE TEAM

Ages 14-20+

U16, U18, U20, PG COMP Team 

5 days a week

For the skier dedicated to the sport of Nordic skiing, this is a full-time, year-round program with advanced coaching. Includes summer and fall dryland, strength training with The Mountain Project, transportation, and skiing five days a week. Year-round, winter only and summer-only options.

Learn more about the Comp team

The P-G Team is designed for local high school post-graduates, out-of-town post-grads (possibly taking classes at MSU), or collegiate students. The goal is to develop and maximize each skier’s potential. 

Learn more about post-grad team

Ages 20+

PRO Team

The Pro Team is available for competitive skiers at the highest levels in sport, competing at the Junior and Senior levels. Year-round training and racing programs available, with varying levels of support. Application process to join. 

Learn more about THE PRO team


Masters Community

one-time clinics and regular 2 days/week sessions

The BSF Masters Community offers adult skiers a number of training, clinic, and social options in both the fall and winter. Open to adults of all ages and abilities interested in improving their ski technique and fitness, meeting friends, and having fun on the snow. Options for learning how to skate ski, regular ski training sessions, fall dryland sessions, private lessons, and more.

Learn more about masters community

Nordic Age Classes

As determined by age on January 1 of the ski season

U6: Ages 4-5
U8: Ages 6-7 
 U10 : Ages 8-9 
U12 : Ages 10-11
U14 : Ages 12-13
U16 : Ages 14-15 
 U18 : Age 16-17 
U20 : Age 18-19 
Senior: Ages 20+
 Post-Graduate (P-G): Age 17-20 and graduated from high school

LTAD (Long Term Athlete Development)

The why & how behind skier's progress through our pipeline

There’s a bigger picture to what BSF teaches skiers, when and why. BSF’s programs and the progression are consistent with the USSA Long-Term Athlete Development (LTAD) Systems.

What does that mean? We’re not focused on short-term success—and the hazards (and burnout) that often come with it. Instead, we follow LTAD plans that are individualized and based on science to make sure your child can maximize their long-term potential as a skier (should they wish to do so) and their enjoyment in the sport. We take into account a child’s development physiologically, cognitively and socially, as well as their experience skiing.

This makes it easy for your child to progress through our programs—from Youth Ski League, the Development Teams, to the competitive teams, and even on to skiing as an adult Masters athlete. That being said, this is the "ideal" progression. Skiers are welcome to join BSF programs at any stage, and there are plenty of BSF alumni who started skiing "late" and not only enjoyed the teams but went on to successful skiing careers.

(View the entire LTAD for all skiing disciplines HERE.) 

General Phases of Development

"What should a Nordic skier do? And when should they do it?"

Phase 1

Ages 2-6

Years in sport: 1-4

Ski 1-3 days a week.

Emphasis on outdoor recreation. Ski for play, fun and balance. Parents encourage play versus training. Participate in many physical activities. Explore individual coordination or balance-based sports. Team sports to build teamwork, ethics and fair play. Begin to develop fundamental movement skills through play, fun, novel activities.

Phase 2

Ages 6-10

Years in sport: 1-4

Ski 2-6 days a week, or as enjoyable.

Emphasis on outdoor recreation. Parents emphasize activity versus training. Play many sports. Active participation in coordination- or balance-based sports. Participate in team sports to build teamwork, ethics and fair play. Increase play to enhance specific elements of physical fitness in open environments.

Phase 3

(pre-puberty before growth)

Girls ages 10-13

Boys ages 11-14

Years in sport: 4-8

2-4 training sessions per week, year-round in addition to other sports and outdoor activities.

Emphasis on outdoor recreation and an introduction to fun competition.  Continue to participate in many activities and sports. Begin to identify with primary vs. complementary sports. Start to incorporate focused dryland training 1-2 days per week. Enhance body awareness, balance, and spatial anticipation through games and drills.

Phase 4

(puberty and growth spurt)

Girls ages 11-14

Boys ages 12-15

Years in sport: 5-9

3-5 training sessions per week in season, 2-4 training sessions per week out of season.

Emphasize fun training. Continue to participate in complementary sports while identifying clear goals in primary sport. Physical fitness is becoming an integral part of the season. Increase hours of training with varied volumes and intensity.

Phase 5

(puberty after growth spurt)

Girls ages 12-17

Boys ages 14-17

Years in sport: 6-11

5-7 training sessions per week in season, includes some two-a-day sessions, 4-6 training sessions per week out of season. 

Use complementary sports and activities for variety and to enhance aerobic conditioning by increasing training volume in all activities. Implement periodized training with varying volumes and intensity. Training is now essential to seasonal programming with 2-3 sessions per week and off-season fitness plans.

Phase 6

(full maturation)

Girls ages 16+ 

Boys ages 17+ 

6-10 training sessions per week includes some two-a-day sessions. 7-12 sessions per week out of season.

Use complementary sports and activities for injury prevention, avoiding burnout, and to maintain all aspects of physical fitness. Year-round, periodized training plans with varying volumes and intensity are essential to prepare for full competition and training loads.


For more detailed information regarding athlete plans and development, please visit the individual age group pages on the Nordic page.


Contact Andrew Morehouse, Nordic Program Director
(518) 926 9030