Your support directly benefits kids with programs that build character, life skills, friendships, perspective, and the courage to pursue their dreams, whatever they may be. Your support also gives our community free access to more than 80 kilometers of winter trails. Please consider making a donation to BSF today.
by Mail: Bridger Ski Foundation, P.O. Box 1243, Bozeman MT 59771
We invite you to make a lasting impact on our grassroots ski community through either a recurring monthly donation (of at least $19.36), or through a planned legacy gift to the Bridger Ski Foundation. Choose one or both options, and you'll become part of BSF's new 1936 Club. A group of inspired skiers jumpstarted our first ski club in 1936, and today, it’s people like you, believing in the Montana soul of skiing, who keep that magic alive.
Invitation to an annual 1936 Club event
Limited time only: BSF belt buckle
$10 covers the cost of four Nordic trail maps
$40 certifies one coach in first-aid and CPR
$66 funds one week of FREE transportation for 20 kids, from school to practice
$100 funds one complete grooming of the Nordic trails at Sunset Hills (a.k.a. Lindley)
$500 covers the cost of one hour of snowmaking at Bridger Bowl.
Tax ID: 81-0384359
Bridger Ski Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Your donation is greatly appreciated. Unrestricted donations help support Bridger Ski Foundation’s youth ski programs, athlete scholarships, Community Nordic Trails, and other strategic initiatives. If you’d like, you can also restrict your donation to a particular program.
Contact Laura Huggins
(801) 726-4517