(grades 9-12)
(you choose a combo of 2 seasons)
Summer: June 23 - August 22, 2025
Mon - Fri 8:30 - 10:30 am
Fall: September 9 - November 7, 2025
T/W/Th 4:00 - 5:45 pm & Sat 9 - 11 am
Winter: November 11 - April 3 (snow dependent)
Tues-Fri: 4:00 - 5:45 pm & Sat 9:00 - 11 am
Includes strength training sessions with Mountain Project 2 days a week.
Wed 7:30 - 8:30 am & Saturday 2:45 - 4:00 pm
Estimated cost: $3,900 (final TBD)
Price will increase after July 1.
(grades 9-12)
For this option, you attend 2 days a week during the spring, summer & fall. Plus a full winter schedule.
Spring May 20 - June 11, 2025
T/W/Th 4:00 - 5:30 pm
Summer: June 23 - August 22, 2025
Mon - Fri 8:30 - 10:30 am
Fall: September 9 - November 7, 2025
T/W/Th 4:00 - 5:45 pm & Sat 9 - 11 am
Winter: November 11 - April 3 (snow dependent)
Tues-Fri: 4:00 - 5:45 pm & Sat 9:00 - 11 am
Includes strength training sessions with Mountain Project 2 days a week.
Wed 7:30 - 8:30 am & Saturday 2:45 - 4:00 pm
Estimated cost: $3,900 (final TBD)
Price will increase after June 1.
(grades 9-12)
Spring May 20 - June 11, 2025
T/W/Th 4:00 - 5:30 pm
Summer: June 23 - August 22, 2025
Mon - Fri 8:30 - 10:30 am
Fall: September 9 - November 7, 2025
T/W/Th 4:00 - 5:45 pm & Sat 9 - 11 am
Winter: November 11 - April 3 (snow dependent)
Tues-Fri: 4:00 - 5:45 pm & Sat 9:00 - 11 am
Includes strength training sessions with Mountain Project 2 days a week.
Wed 7:30 - 8:30 am & Saturday 2:45 - 4:00 pm
Estimated cost: $4525 (final TBD)
Price will increase after June 1.
Bend on-snow Camp
May 20-25, 2025
Location: Bend, OR
Cost TBD
Red Lodge Camp
June 20-23, 2025
Red Lodge, MT
Cost TBD.
Homestake Camp for U14 & U16s
June 23-25, 2025
Cost TBD
BSF Pro Team Camp
(U14s and U16s from the region)
July 16-19, 2025
Haig Glacier
Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors
July 27 - August 6, 2025
Cost TBD
Whitefish Camp
Freshmen & Devo Pro
August 5 - 9, 2025
Cost TBD
For the athlete who wants to train with BSF during the summer only. For out-of town athletes & graduating seniors only. Includes strength training sessions with The Mountain Project. Available for U16 - PG.
Estimated Cost: $1,150
April 1: Summer registration opens
May 20: Spring dryland starts
June 1: Year-round fee increases
July 1: 2-season fee increases
September 9: First day of fall training
November 11: First day of winter training
REGISTRATION OPENS APRIL 1, 2025. Stay tuned for more info.
Grades 9-12 (as of fall 2024)
5 days per week
The Competitive Team (aka "Comp Team") offers advanced coaching for the dedicated skier in a strong team environment. Athletes on this team have more motivation and intention for training and racing. Coaches work with athletes one-on-one to develop season and yearly goals. Athletes on this team are highly encouraged to travel to and race in regional races, as well as all local races during the season.
Athletes have the option to train year-round with BSF (mid-May through March) or choose two seasons (summer+winter or fall+winter) to have the best experience. In order for BSF to maximize our athlete’s enjoyment and potential in sport, BSF closely follows the Long-Term Athlete Development plan as laid out by U.S. Ski and Snowboard.
BSF takes a holistic approach to skiing, focusing on technique, fitness, and strength, as well as personal wellness, team dynamics, and team culture. BSF coaches are here to help athletes reach their potential and meet their personal goals; but also here to have fun and help athletes grow into great people. BSF takes full advantage of the 80+ km of in-town trails that we groom, as well as nearby Crosscut Mountain Sports Center. During dryland, we live the ultimate Bozeman life--running incredible mountain trails, rollerskiing, mountain biking, playing games, jumping in the water to cool off and more. The team also offers optional team camps in each season to provide additional training experiences.
Typically meets 5 days a week. (Some athletes may go up to 6 days per week, with training on their own.)
*locations and activities vary. Coaches will send out weekly schedules.
Spring (May 20-June 11, 2025):
TU: 4 - 5:30 p.m.
WE: 4 - 5:30 p.m.
TH: 4 - 5:30 p.m.
Summer: June 23- August 22, 2025
MO: 8:30-10:30 a.m.
TU: 8:30 -10:30 a.m.
WE: 8:30 -10:30 a.m.
TH: 8:30-10:30 a.m.
FR: 8:30-10:30 a.m.
Fall: September 9 - November 7, 2025
TU: 4-5:45 p.m.
WE: 4-5:45 p.m.
TH: 4-5:45 p.m.
SA: 9-11 a.m.
Winter: November 11- April 3, 2026
TU: 4-5:45 p.m.
WE: 4-5:45 p.m.
TH: 4-5:45 p.m.
FRI: 4-5:45 p.m.
SA: 9:00 - 11:00 a.m.
+strength sessions 2 days a week
Estimated for 2025-26. Final cost TBD.
*NOTE: pro-rated discounts are not available.
Refunds: full refund minus $150 admin fee before a session starts.
Payment options:
At checkout, you can choose:
*See processing fees below.
Payment Plans
For invoices over $1500, payments can be made in 4 payments. IMPORTANT: If your family is registering multiple children, please be sure to register and checkout all in one transaction if you'd like a payment plan option. The system does not allow us to combine orders/create payment plans after the fact. If participants are registered in separate transactions, it will result in separate payment plans.
(*If you have extenuating circumstances with the $1500 starting point on payment plans, please contact us.)
How the payment plan works: When checking out in SkiClub Pro (our registration system) choose "payment plan." The SkiClubPro system will automatically charge you for each of the three payments.
Processing fees:
The following processing fees will be added to your total. These are the fees charged by the payment processor; BSF does not keep any of these fees.
Credit cards paying in full: 3% fee
Bank transfer paying in full: $2.50
Credit cards payment plan: 3% fee and $1.50 per payment
Bank transfer payment plan: $2.50 fee per payment ($10 total)
BSF offers a generous scholarship and financial aid program. Applications are due mid-October each year.
Nordic athletes can also apply in June and October for funds from the Soren Joseph Hartnett Scholarship fund, for program fees and travel.
Please note: If you need assistance, apply for it! These funds are meant to keep kids skiing. Applications are confidential, and we take into account all your circumstances, not just taxable income.
Your coaches will send out weekly training schedules via email on Mondays, with a schedule of times and locations.
Weekday winter sessions are typically at Sunset Hills & Highland Glen.
Last-minute schedule changes do sometimes occur: we'll announce those as needed, via email.
BSF has sprinter vans, and we are able to provide complimentary transportation for some of our Comp athletes, with pickup at the Bozeman High School and Gallatin High School. Because space is limited, please talk to your coach about space and transportation needs. Athletes may need to carpool.
When you register for the program, you will be added to an email list. Your coaches will send weekly emails with the full schedule, important notes, and info for parents. Last-minute changes may also be emailed. (It’s important that you do not unsubscribe to any BSF emails, as this is our main mode of communication in the winter.) If for some reason, you are not receiving emails from us, let us know!
We also use the Team Reach app, for schedules and last-minute communications.
(Suggested donation calculated based on an average volunteer session of 3 hours and the industry standard value of volunteer time ($25/hour).)
One of the ways BSF keeps program fees lower is through volunteer hours. Without your volunteer hours, we would need to use additional paid staff to fill the void; this would increase program costs significantly, which would also make it more difficult for some families to afford BSF. When only a small percentage of BSF parents take on the brunt of volunteer hours, it leads to volunteer burnout.
We have openings for help at practices, organizing ski and fundraising events, helping at the events themselves, as well as trail work and volunteering for our community trails. We encourage you to volunteer for ANY program--Nordic, Alpine, Freestyle, or trails. If you have a specific skill set you think would be helpful, please let us know. There are always little things we need, from photography, to database entry, to hanging up posters around town.
We highly encourage BSF Comp athletes to volunteer for these hours, not just parents!
We post signup sheets and volunteer needs throughout the year HERE.
Since skiing is not an inexpensive sport to participate in, we make every effort to help parents and athletes secure gear in a variety of ways. BSF coaches will be available at all swaps to help answer questions.
Skiers should have both classic and skate skis and poles. For skate and classic specific gear, it is best to use the manufacturer's size charts, which correlate the skier's weight and height to ski length and stiffness. At the ski swap, BSF volunteers/coaches will be on hand with a flex-test board to help match your skier with the best skis available. Please take advantage of this opportunity—skis that are too stiff or too soft can make for a very frustrating skiing experience. When purchasing new equipment through a local retailer, they will provide similar testing.
Ski poles for skate should reach between the skiers chin and "mustache area."
Classic poles should reach between the armpit and the shoulder.
On classic days, have a range of inexpensive kick waxes and a cork (local ski shops can recommend a few general kick waxes--blue, extra blue, purple, red--which can be kept in a baggie in your skier's bag.
Bozeman kids are a hardy bunch, but we will cancel a session if temperatures are extreme--especially if paired with wind. Whenever possible, an email/TeamReach message will be sent out notifying everyone as soon as it is determined to be too cold to train.
Your best bet is to always bring lots of warm layers; weather changes quickly.
Concussion Baseline Testing is required for all Nordic athletes 8th grade and older who are on the Comp Team or Devo Progressive team. The testing is free and can be done on a computer; a link will be emailed after registration.
Baseline testing establishes a baseline for your athlete so that if they ever have a concussion, a medical professional will have established baseline data and can make a more informed decision when treating the athlete and clearing them for return to sport. More info on Impact Testing HERE.
Please make yourself familiar with our policies, the BSF Athlete & Parent Handbook, and other important information on the Resources Page.
BSF Newsletters contain regular "Parent Corner" articles to help you navigate the parent/athlete dynamic.
Intermountain Division (IMD) License
There’s a bigger picture to what BSF teaches skiers, when and why. BSF’s programs are consistent with the U.S. Ski & Snowboard Long-Term Athlete Development (LTAD) Systems.
What does that mean? We’re not focused on short-term success—and the hazards (and burnout) that often come with it. Instead, we follow LTAD plans that are individualized and based on science to make sure your child can maximize their long-term potential as a skier (should they wish to do so) and their enjoyment in the sport. We take into account a child’s development physiologically, cognitively and socially, as well as their experience skiing.
This makes it easy for your child to progress through our programs—from Intro to the Development Teams, to the Competitive teams, and even on to skiing as an adult Masters athlete.
The LTAD is a living document that changes frequently. View the most up-to-date LTAD for Nordic HERE.
The following are excerpts from relevant phases of the LTAD:
(puberty after growth spurt)
Girls: ages: 12-17
Boys: ages 14-17
Years in skiing: 6-11
Days per week: 5-7 in season, 4-6 out of season
The emphasis on training becomes year round. Continue to use in complementary sports and activities for variety and to enhance conditioning. Implement periodized training with varying volumes and intensity.
Athlete implements a periodized training program that places stress on the body and subsequent recovery time. Athlete uses low-intensity aerobic, high intensity aerobic and anaerobic training to improve race fitness. Athlete maintains a training log. Refine event specific technical and tactical skills to achieve desired outcome. Integrate the increased strength, power and body size to achieve more complex movements and precision of skill application. Seeks more challenging terrain.
Reinforce the idea that hard work creates more opportunity for success. Accountability is important. Self-analysis and the acceptance of feedback is encouraged. Athletes analyze their own performance and identify areas for improvement. Enforce the concept that success is attributable to personal effort.
(full maturation)
Girls ages 16+
Boys ages 17+
6-10 training sessions per week includes some two-a-day sessions. 7-12 sessions per week out of season.
The emphasis on training is year round. Continue to use in complementary sports and activities for injury prevention, avoiding burnout, and to enhance conditioning. Use periodized training with varying volumes and intensity.
All components of training are now periodized and individualized. Masters all techniques and develops personal style. Mastery of tactical strategies based on the athlete's strengths, discipline and goals.
Athletes continue to have opportunities to experience success and the coach-athlete relationship is built on a mutual trust and respect. The coach-athlete relationship develops into a collaborative partnership with the athlete "self-coaching" and sharing feedback with coaches. Athletes refine their use of positive self-talk and imagery. Work towards mastery of more complicated techniques. Practice with distractions to challenge athletes. Identify the ideal performance state and implement strategies to achieve this state consistently. Work towards mastery of all aspects of preparing mentally for competition.
Andrew Morehouse, Nordic Program Director & Comp Team Head Coach
andrew.morehouse@bridgerskifoundation.org (518) 926 9030